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Contact Info

Thank you for your interest in learning more about our company. We care about your questions and concerns.

If you are interested in a career with the TOFIGH DARU Companies and would like to see current openings, or submit a resume, please visit our Careers section.

If you are a member of the media on deadline, please visit our Media Contacts page.

If you prefer, our mailing address is:

If you are a customer and have questions regarding TOFIGH DARU products, please call with CRM service   
For any other questions that you may have, please use the form below. An asterisk (*) indicates a required entry. Typical response time is 2-3 working days, depending on the nature of the question. Please note that we do not respond to form letters or e-mail campaigns.

Main Office: Darou Pakhsh St., 18th km Lashkari Expy,Tehran, Iran

   Address : Darou Pakhsh St., 18th km Lashkari Expy,Tehran, Iran. 
  Phone :  +98 21- 44988020-4
Fax : +98 21 - 44 98 50 56
Contact Form

Contact the various departments through the following form
